Looking back over the Book Creator blog, we published 27 posts in the last 12 months. These range from feature updates, to case studies, to campaigns, to lesson ideas and resources. Thank you again to everyone who contributed posts this year, adding your wisdom to the Book Creator community. We appreciate it!
But which were the most popular, I hear you cry?! Well let me answer that for you now.
1. Power up your Book Creator experience with the new App Store
There was so much excitement around the launch of our big update of the year. Back in January we announced that you can now AppSmash various apps in Book Creator using the new App Store. Canva, Bitmoji, 3D models and more can now be accessed directly from inside Book Creator.
Read the blog post
2. Updated Book Creator Certified Author course
The Book Creator Certified Author course has helped tens of thousands of teachers learn the fundamentals of Book Creator since it launched in 2020. This summer, we refreshed the content with the latest features and ideas from our Teacher Success Managers, Catherine Cappiello and Jon Smith.
Nearly 4,000 of you have become Certified Authors since then, well done you! We love seeing you share your certificates on Twitter and in our Facebook group on a daily basis! If you haven't done it yet, what are you waiting for?
3. Reimagining Science Lab Notebooks
Melissa Eaton is a K-5 Elementary Teacher and Book Creator Ambassador extraordinaire from Illinois, USA. This post documents how Melissa used Book Creator over the last four years to create science notebooks as a portfolio of student growth, and redefined learning for her students during the process.
This blog post has an example book which Melissa talks through in detail, and also features the follow up webinar where she explains the project even more thoroughly. You can see from the example above that students were able to combine written notes with multimedia audio, video and embedded 3D models.
This post is a must read for teachers who are serious about making the most of Book Creator in any subject!
4. Increase classroom engagement with choice boards
After working with Fulton County Schools to produce their own Choice Board example in Book Creator (above), our VP Partnerships, Lainey Franks, wrote this blog post to help others learn the benefit of creating choice boards in Book Creator.
This post describes the process of designing a choice board, and how to take them further in Book Creator with multimedia. We include an example from Holly Clark too - both of these choice boards are available as remixable templates that you can use in your own lessons.
Let student engagement soar...
5. Partner Spotlight: Newton County School System

Two of the team from Newton County presenting on the Book Creator booth at ISTE 2022
Earlier this year we spoke to the Technology Integration Team at Newton County School System in Georgia, USA. We wanted to learn how they benefitted from rolling out Book Creator district-wide, and their story was amazing.
We produced a partner spotlight book with them to showcase what they'd done towards getting 96% usage across all of the students in their district. We followed that up with a webinar and they even joined us in New Orleans to present at our booth at the ISTE technology conference.
Your school/district can learn a lot from the girls at Newton!
BONUS: Brand new ebook published this month
OK I'm cheating a bit here with this bonus item, but I wanted to included this book as we just published it and I'm proud of it! This book is a short promotional book (now residing on our updated homepage too) that showcases the top reasons for using Book Creator. I hope you like it!

Dan Kemp is the Marketing Director and has been working here since 2013. One of Dan’s favourite jobs is hearing the stories of how Book Creator is used to bring joy to classrooms all over the world, and he happily retells these stories on these pages!