A new ebook to help you get to grips with promoting digital citizenship in your classroom.
We're very pleased to announce that have another new book for you in our Using Book Creator in the classroom series. This is actually book no.19 in the series, and it's a really important topic: Digital Citizenship.
For this topic we turned to Dr. Monica Burns (@ClassTechTips). Monica is a former New York City public school teacher, edtech and curriculum consultant and a Book Creator Ambassador.
Read the book online
In this book, Monica looks at how teachers can promote digital citizenship in the classroom and have students demonstrate their learning in Book Creator. She suggests some useful resources and activities for learning about digital citizenship, drawing on the expertise at ISTE and Common Sense Education.
She also spotlights some real-life classroom examples from other teachers using Book Creator - thanks to Cynthia Cash, Julie Smith, Sophia Garcia-Smith, Cari Wilson and Karen Lirenman for contributing their ideas.
As well as reading this book, you might want to check out Monica's webinar, which we recorded in April 2020, where she explores some of the ideas included in this book.
How do you teach digital citizenship? Have you found ways to incorporate Book Creator into your lessons? Let us know in the comments below!

Dan Kemp is the Marketing Director and has been working here since 2013. One of Dan’s favourite jobs is hearing the stories of how Book Creator is used to bring joy to classrooms all over the world, and he happily retells these stories on these pages!