Remixable books
Starter templates to add directly to your library - remix them, edit them and use them with your students!

Book Creator templates
Building on the library of templates we made available in-app, these themed starter templates should inspire you and your students to create your own versions, using our beautifully designed visuals!
Common Sense Education
In partnership with Common Sense Education, we have produced these Digital Citizenship activity books for 5-11 year olds. Click on a book to read it and add it to your library with the Remix button.
Learn more about our partnership with Common Sense Education.

Enhancing Literacy
Kurt Klynen created these beautifully designed templates when producing his book 'Book Creator - Ways to Enhance Literacy'. They should prove inspirational in your language classrooms.
Book Creator Ambassadors Joe & Kristin Merrill shared these neat subject-specific templates covering Science, Math and English.
Learn more about using these books on their website.
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