Graphic organizers + student activities

100+ graphic organizers!
Every good lesson starts with an epic activity! We have developed over 100 student activities and graphic organizers that allow you to maximise your lesson time and create engaging activities for your students.
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All About MeA graphic organizer used to collect and organize information about oneself, including personal details, interests, hobbies, and goals. This is...
Main Idea to DetailA graphic organizer that helps identify the main idea of a topic or text and organizes supporting details or evidence.
Problem Solving MapA graphic organizer that guides the process of problem-solving by identifying the problem, brainstorming possible solutions, and evaluating the pros...
Reflect 3-2-1A graphic organizer used for reflection or summarization, where individuals list three things they learned, two things they found interesting,...
Biography MapA graphic organizer used to analyze and organize information about a person's life, including their background, achievements, and significant events.
Frayer ModelA graphic organizer that helps expand vocabulary knowledge by defining a word, providing examples and non-examples, and identifying its facts...
Persuasive Writing OrganizerA graphic organizer used to plan and structure a persuasive essay or speech, including the main argument, supporting reasons, counterclaim...
Read It Say It Write ItA graphic organizer that supports language development by prompting learners to read a word or phrase, say it aloud, and...
Iceberg ModelA graphic organizer that represents the concept of an iceberg, where the visible part above the water represents the surface-level...
Think Pair ShareA cooperative learning strategy where individuals think about a question or topic, discuss their thoughts with a partner, and then...
Scientific Method BlueA graphic organizer outlining the steps of the scientific method, including identifying a problem, forming a hypothesis, describing the procedure...
Scientific Method WhiteA graphic organizer outlining the steps of the scientific method, including identifying a problem, forming a hypothesis, describing the procedure...
Problem TreeA graphic organizer that visually represents a problem, its effects and its causes, helping to analyze the root causes and...
Cornell Note TakingA note-taking system that divides a page into sections for notes and cues, along with space for a summary or...
Five Paragraph Essay VerticalA graphic organizer that structures a standard five-paragraph essay, with sections for the introduction, three body paragraphs (each presenting a...
Five Paragraph Essay HorizontalA graphic organizer that structures a standard five-paragraph essay, with sections for the introduction, three body paragraphs (each presenting a...
Roller Coaster Story PlotA graphic organizer used to map out the plot elements of a story, with the rising action, climax and falling...
Story ScoopA graphic organizer that helps analyze and summarize a story by identifying the characters, setting, problem, events, and resolution.
How-To OrganizerA graphic organizer used to plan and sequence the steps of a process or task, such as giving directions or...
Timeline single pageA graphic organizer that represents a chronological sequence of events on a single page, often used to visualize historical or...
Timeline 1 of 2A graphic organizer used to present a timeline of events, split into two parts to accommodate a longer time span...
Timeline 2 of 2A graphic organizer used to present a timeline of events, split into two parts to accommodate a longer time span...
Fishbone PlannerA graphic organizer shaped like a fishbone, used to explore cause-and-effect relationships by identifying the causes (bones) and their effects...
Thinking about your ThinkingA graphic organizer that encourages metacognitive thinking by prompting individuals to reflect on their thinking about a fact or event,...
Cause and EffectA graphic organizer used to analyze cause-and-effect relationships, where the causes and their corresponding effects are identified and connected.
Compare and ContrastA graphic organizer that helps identify similarities and differences between two subjects or ideas.
Venn Diagram 2 CirclesA graphic organizer that uses overlapping circles to compare and contrast two subjects, with the shared characteristics in the overlap...
Venn Diagram 3 CirclesSimilar to a two-circle Venn diagram, but with three circles, used to compare and contrast three subjects and identify overlapping...
Five SensesA graphic organizer that engages the five senses (sight, hearing, touch, taste, and smell) to gather descriptive details and enhance...
Using our SensesA graphic organizer that encourages sensory exploration by prompting individuals to describe experiences or objects using their senses. In this...
Observation ChartA graphic organizer that structures a student's observations about a new subject, topic or setting, engaging the five senses (sight,...
Claim Evidence ReasoningA graphic organizer commonly used to structure arguments, with a claim (main argument), evidence (supporting data), and reasoning (explanation of...
CERA graphic organizer commonly used to structure arguments, with a claim (main argument), evidence (supporting data), and reasoning (explanation of...
Science CERA variation of the CER graphic organizer specifically designed for scientific writing and argumentation, emphasizing the claim, evidence, and reasoning...
Word WebA graphic organizer that visually represents the relationships between words or concepts.
Goal Reasons WebA graphic organizer used for goal setting and planning, where the central goal is supported by reasons, which are supported...
Character Map RedA graphic organizer used to analyze and organize information about a character in a story, including what the character says...
Character Map WhiteA graphic organizer used to analyze and organize information about a character in a story, including what the character says...
Character Trait MapA graphic organizer used to analyze and organize information about a character in a story, focusing on three character traits...
Character Says-Thinks-DoesA graphic organizer that prompts individuals to analyze a character's dialogue (what they say), thoughts (what they think), and actions...
Character Point of ViewA graphic organizer used to explore a character's changing perspective and point of view by considering their feelings about a...
Character Changing over TimeA graphic organizer used to explore a character's changing perspective and point of view by considering their feelings about a...
Problem SolutionA graphic organizer that identifies a problem or issue and presents possible solutions or actions to address it.
Problem and Possible SolutionsA graphic organizer that presents a problem, evidence of the problem and multiple potential solutions.
Problem DefinitionA graphic organizer that helps clarify and define a problem by breaking it down into its essential components or elements:...
Problem Solving Map ChartA graphic organizer that identifies a problem or issue and presents possible solutions or actions to address it, exploring the...
Problem Solving Map TableA graphic organizer that helps clarify and define a problem by breaking it down into its essential components or elements:...
Solution IdeationA graphic organizer used for brainstorming or generating ideas and potential solutions to a problem or challenge. The student then...
KWHL Chart SqaureA graphic organizer that guides inquiry-based learning by prompting individuals to document what they know (K), what they want to...
KWHL Chart ColumnA graphic organizer that guides inquiry-based learning by prompting individuals to document what they know (K), what they want to...
KWL Chart LightA variation of the KWHL chart that focuses on what individuals know (K), what they want to know (W), and...
KWL Chart DarkA variation of the KWHL chart that focuses on what individuals know (K), what they want to know (W), and...
Five WsA graphic organizer that helps gather essential information about a story, topic or event by prompting individuals to answer the...
Five Ws and HowA variation of the Five Ws graphic organizer (who, what, when, where and why) that includes an additional question, "how,"...
Simple Story RetellA graphic organizer that visually represents the elements of a story, including both a sequence of events in the story...
Story MapA graphic organizer that visually represents the elements of a story, including both a sequence of events in the story...
SWBSTAn acronym for "Somebody Wanted But So Then," a graphic organizer that summarizes the key elements of a narrative by...
Prediction OutcomeA graphic organizer that encourages prediction skills by prompting individuals to make predictions about a future event or situation and...
SortA graphic organizer used to categorize or classify items, concepts, or ideas based on common characteristics or attributes. The teacher...
Two Stars and A WishA graphic organizer used for feedback or evaluation, where a teacher or peer provides positive feedback (two stars) and constructive...
Peer Shout OutA graphic organizer used to recognize and appreciate the positive qualities or actions of a peer, giving them a 'shout...
Peer Feedback TAGAn acronym for "Tell something you like, Ask a question, Give a suggestion," a graphic organizer that guides peer feedback...
See-Think-WonderA graphic organizer used to stimulate critical thinking and inquiry by prompting individuals to observe and describe what they see,...
AlphaboxesA graphic organizer that helps organize information alphabetically, often used for vocabulary development or categorizing words or concepts.
Making ConnectionsA graphic organizer that encourages individuals to make connections between a text or topic and their prior knowledge, other texts,...
Goal SettingA graphic organizer used to set a goal and identify three interim steps they will take to achieve the goal,...
Reading ReflectionA graphic organizer used to reflect on and record thoughts, insights, or reactions to a text, including what they found...
Reading Question ChartA graphic organizer that prompts individuals to ask questions about a text, encouraging active reading and comprehension. They identify questions...
PMI ChartAn acronym for "Plus, Minus, Interesting," a graphic organizer that helps analyze the pros and cons of a decision or...
Paragraph OrganizerA graphic organizer that assists in planning and structuring paragraphs, including spaces for the topic sentence, supporting details, and a...
Narrative Writing OrganizerA graphic organizer used to plan and outline a narrative or story, including the setting, details, problem, key events and...
Drawing ConclusionsA graphic organizer that prompts individuals to draw logical conclusions based on evidence or information presented. Students record text clues...
Fact and OpinionA graphic organizer that helps distinguish between factual information and personal opinions, using a two-column format to separate the two....
Main Idea and DetailsA graphic organizer that identifies the main idea of a text or topic and organizes supporting details or evidence.
Identifying Theme BlueA graphic organizer used to identify the central theme or message in a text, in this case through character changes....
Identifying ThemeA graphic organizer used to identify the central theme or message in a text, citing details and text evidence from...
Determining ThemeA graphic organizer that guides individuals in determining the underlying theme of a text, by recording who the main character...
Vocabulary Type-Say-DrawA graphic organizer that supports vocabulary acquisition by typing, saying and drawing the word.
Vocabulary MapA graphic organizer used to explore and expand vocabulary by recording a new word, its prefix, root, suffix, part of...
Vocabulary Map ColumnsA graphic organizer used to explore and expand vocabulary by recording a new word, identifying synonyms, antonyms and similar things.
Vocabulary Shades of MeaningA graphic organizer that explores the subtle differences in meaning between related words or synonyms, represented on a continuum or...
Vocabulary Four SquareA graphic organizer that helps deepen vocabulary understanding by providing space to write the word, its definition, an example sentence,...
Vocabulary Map Comic BlueA graphic organizer created in a comic book style which helps to deepen vocabulary understanding by providing a space for...
Vocabulary Map Comic YellowA graphic organizer created in a comic book style which helps to deepen vocabulary understanding by providing a space for...
AnalogyA graphic organizer used to compare relationships between two pairs of words or concepts, using the structure "A is to...
Summary and SynthesizingA graphic organizer that asks students to summarize and synthesize a topic or text, requiring them to understand the difference...
Synthesizing across a StoryA graphic organizer used to synthesize across a story, from before you read, to while you read and after you...
Informational Writing OutlineA graphic organizer that helps structure and organize informational or expository writing into five paragraphs or sections, including an introduction,...
ConnectionsA graphic organizer that supports reading comprehension, encouraging students to make connections between parts of a book and what it...
Connections 2A graphic organizer that supports reading comprehension, encouraging students to make connections between parts of a book and what it...
Beginning Middle Middle EndA graphic organizer that represents the chronological structure of a story or narrative by dividing it into the beginning, two...
Beginning MMM EndA graphic organizer that represents the chronological structure of a story or narrative by dividing it into the beginning, three...
Label DiagramA graphic organizer that can be used to label the parts or components of an image. The teacher may add...
T-ChartA graphic organizer that uses a T-shaped layout to compare and contrast two ideas, concepts, or sets of information by...
KIM ChartA KIM chart is a simple strategy for teaching vocabulary words and new concepts. A KIM chart has three columns:...
About the AuthorA graphic organizer which can be used in any book to tell the reader about the author, including a picture,...
About the Authors 2Similar to the "About the Author" graphic organizer, but designed to accommodate information about two different authors.
About the Authors 3Similar to the "About the Author" graphic organizer, but designed to accommodate information about three different authors.
About the Authors 4Similar to the "About the Author" graphic organizer, but designed to accommodate information about four different authors.
Sequence 4A graphic organizer used to represent a sequence of events or steps in a process, accommodating up to four items...
Sequence 6A graphic organizer used to represent a sequence of events or steps in a process, accommodating up to six items...
Sequence 8A graphic organizer used to represent a sequence of events or steps in a process, accommodating up to eight items...
Sequence 9A graphic organizer used to represent a sequence of events or steps in a process, accommodating up to nine items...
Sequence 12A graphic organizer used to represent a sequence of events or steps in a process, accommodating up to twelve items...
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The graphic organizers are available in Book Creator’s built in App Store. Sign into Book Creator, simply enable the graphic organizer app, then you and your students can add your chosen organizers to your books.
10 graphic organizers are available to all users, with the full set of over 100 organizers available to teachers on a premium or schools and district plan.
These page templates are perfect to help you get ahead with your activity sessions and stay as organised as possible with your classes. Plus, since they are completely editable you can customize each to your own preferences and needs – get creative!
Read our Graphic Organizers blog post to find out more.
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