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Enhance your math projects in 3 simple steps
Book Creator is a great platform to showcase math learning in a creative way! Hear from Graciela on how you can engage your students in math projects instantly.
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Back to School with Book Creator!
It’s that time of year! We’ve put our heads together at Book Creator to come up with the most useful set of templates, resources, lesson ideas and more to help you and your students hit the ground running. Happy book making!
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Empower your learners with this fantastic new Book Creator template
Book Creator has teamed up with Empower the Learner to bring you a ground-breaking new template for learners to create their own 1-page profiles. We’ve also published an Introductory book to help you understand the science behind learning and why identity is key to social, emotional and cognitive learning.
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Create a healthier, more productive learning experience with student portfolios
However you use digital portfolios in your learning space—as a replacement for traditional grading or as part of a mosaic of evaluation methods—you’ll help to create a culture of reflection, and a community of learners who confidently share their learning with others.
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Digital Citizenship activity book series from Common Sense Education
Book Creator has teamed up with Common Sense Education to bring you these fantastic new Digital Citizenship resources for your classroom.
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Want to turn your students into producers as well as authors?
Digital tools can provide a platform for creativity by allowing students to take the reigns. Hear how Patrick Peter used Book Creator to elevate his students’ skill set.
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A rubric for Book Creator
Sam Kary talks about helping his students elevate their work by introducing a rubric for their digital book projects, helping them focus on design and multimedia.
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10 ideas to support Play-Based Learning over the Summer
Here are 10 ways you can engage your students in learning over the summer – without them even realizing they are learning!
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SEL template books you can use today
Social Emotional Learning is one of the main priorities in education right now. We’ve made these activity book templates to help you focus on student wellbeing.
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