Our 2-month Hopes project has come to an end so now we can share the beautiful books from across the world.
Back in December, we launched our Hopes for the New Year project which finished up at the end of January. Our intention with the project was to spread some positivity going into the new year and for students to set some exciting goals for what they want to achieve in 2022.
As with any new project, it can be difficult to find time to complete it, particularly at the end of the year when you're all about to take a well-deserved break. Despite this, we had 116 entrants from 15 countries across the world and we were SUPER impressed.
From the entrants, we selected 16 books and put them in our shared Hopes for the New Year library ⤵️
It was an absolute joy to read all the hopes and wishes the students had for the year and we were so excited to see how creative everyone was. Kids recorded their own videos, drew pictures, embedded YouTube videos, audio recordings and MORE. Talk about a simple and fun way to express themselves!
Here are a couple of snippets that we wanted to share...✨
AFNORTH International School ~ Elementary (Brunssum, The Netherlands)

31 students collaborated together for this project and it was great to see that every page was totally different.
Whether it's the children spelling out the word 'Hope' with their bodies or designing their very own hope equation, it certainly took a fun spin on the project!
“Thank you very much for this opportunity. It was a challenging and fun project to participate in. You are working for a wonderful company.”Elisabeth Dols, ESL Specialist
Scuola Primaria "Italo Calvino" ~ Classe 4A (Reggio Emilia, Italy)

This Italian primary school decided to interpret our Hopes project in a super creative way! We loved to see and read about their innovative designs from the future.
“We are very happy to be taking part in your project "Hopes for the New Year"!! We wrote our hopes like they were good news from the future and we were talking on a radio broadcasting from the year 2022 😊 Now we will read the other books from all over the world!!”Massimo Bassi, Primary school teacher
Thank you so much to everyone who entered our Hopes project, you all did a fantastic job!
We hope you enjoy the shared library and draw inspiration from the books. Here's to a positive, healthy start to 2022 and may it continue throughout! 🎉

Chavonne Duckworth is the Events Manager for Book Creator. She manages Book Creator’s presence at conferences worldwide and is the one behind all the social media love you see on Twitter, Facebook, Instagram and beyond.