Happ new year! The purpose of this post is to give you an overview of key dates coming up this year to help you plan ahead. We'd love for you to be using Book Creator every day... 😄 but if you're not quite ready for that, here are some opportunities you might want to prepare for...
BONUS Download this year planner as a handy PDF file.
Get our January Journal!
We've created a January Journal full of activities for you to do every day in January. Start the year right with Book Creator! Read the book online here, or add it straight to your library.
The journal includes activities for World Braille Day, Martin Luther King Jr. Day, National Handwriting Day and lots more! Remix and share in Book Creator. Complete them all or pick and choose which activities you want students to complete.
Meet the Book Creator team:
We'll be at the FETC conference (Orlando, Florida) from 23-26 January - we hope to see you there! Register here.
Black History Month
Any kind of project around Black History Month can be built in Book Creator. One idea might be to use the Mono or Antique theme books in Book Creator which include a pre-built timeline. If you need inspiration, check out our Black History Month example library.
Other opportunities to make books:
- Groundhog Day (2 Feb)
- Safer Internet Day (6 Feb)
- World Read Aloud Day (7 Feb)
- Chinese New Year (10 Feb)
- Valentine's Day (14 Feb)
- President's Day (19 Feb)
For these ideas and more, get our February Activity Journal.
Meet the Book Creator team:
From the 3rd to 7th February will be exhibiting at the TCEA conference in Austin, Texas. Are you there? Register here.
Or, if you're in Illinois, come and join us at IDEAcon one of the Midwest's largest edtech conferences. 19-21 February in Schaumburg. Register here.
Be An Author Month
If you don't know, March is a HUUUUGE month for literacy, and we like to celebrate that with Be An Author Month. This year it is all about Finding, Refining, and Recording your VOICE to share amazing stories.
Check out the program for 2024!
You'll find:
- Templates to help with reading and writing
- An Activity Journal for something to do for every day in March
- Inspirational webinars to motivate and inform you
- A special collaborative TWIMA project for the whole world to participate in!
It's also Women's History Month - check out this library of books made in Book Creator.
Meet the Book Creator team:
We'll be exhibiting for the first time at the ASCD annual conference from 22-25 March in Washington, DC. We hope to see you there! Register here.
National Poetry Month
We're hoping you'll take all the authoring skills you learned in Be An Author Month and get creative with haikus, limericks, sonnets and acrostics! These amazing poetry example books will inspire you.
National School Librarian Day (4 April)
If you're a teacher librarian, this one book will be your bible for using Book Creator with your teachers and students. This book will give you ideas for projects, techniques for collaborating and real-life examples of bringing authoring and literacy to life.
Here are a couple of gold ideas:
- Convert your library into a "Book Tasting" cafe
- Print your Book Creator books and see the reaction you get
Alongside this are Encourage A Young Writer Day (10 April) and Earth Day (22 April) which will give you plenty of opportunities for creating books together. You might get some inspiration from our 'Better Future' competition entries from 2021.
National Autism Awareness Month
We believe that students of all ages and abilities should be able to actively engage in the joy of learning. We've seen some beautifully creative examples of books made in special education classrooms, including these social skills books. I hope you'll be inspired to create books with your students, no matter what their learning styles are.
Teacher Appreciation Week (6-10 May)
Just like last year, this year we plan to run a #ClearTheList campaign to give something back to the teaching community, and show our appreciation. This is where we choose some lucky teachers to pay off their resource wish list (be it on Amazon or some other list).
Keep an eye out on social media for how to take part.
Feel free to grab our book "card" templates to say thank you to your teachers!
Children's Book Week (6-12 May)
How could we ignore this one?! We'd love to help spark a love of reading in your learners. We have tonnes of books that you could start with at read.bookcreator.com. And we always say - if it doesn't exist yet, write it yourself!
Children's Book Week is happening twice this year - it's also in November.
National Creativity Day (30 May) and National Photography Month 📸 offer more chances to get creative. Why not use our Photobook template to get started, and check out this old iPad example from a professional photographer.
Other opportunities to create books:
- Cinco de Mayo (5 May)
- National Teacher's Day (7 May)
- Mother's Day (12 May)
- Memorial Day (27 May)
You made it to the end of the school year! Now you can lie down.
But if that's not the case where you are, or if you're looking for some end of year projects to work on, don't forget to consider creating a Yearbook. We have an excellent guide (and template) to help you with this. So much cheaper than those online services!
June is also Audiobook Month 🎙. How about combining podcasts with book creation? We've got a great resource for that. Maybe it's a matter of going back over some of the books you've made that year and narrating them, recording your voice onto the page?
Other opportunities to create books:
- World Environment Day (5 June)
- Flag Day (14 June)
- Father's Day (16 June)
- Juneteenth (19 June)
Meet the Book Creator team:
Once of the big highlights of the year for us is going to ISTELive - the biggest edtech conference in the world. This year it takes place in Denver from 23-26 June. This is always a wonderful festival of learning, networking and celebrating technology in education - we hope to see you there at our booth! Register here, and take a look at what happened last year.
Monday, 17th July 2023. World Emoji Day. Need I say more?
Apart from that, it's the summer holidays - try and rest!
But if you do want more opportunities to create books:
- Canada Day (1 July)
- Independence Day (4 July)
August is back to school time, and we traditionally pull out all the stops to make sure you are fully resourced. Check out our Back to School pack for 2023 if you don't believe me. We'll be updating it again this year.
It's all about getting to know your students, introducing them to each other and to you (and to Book Creator) and starting as you mean to go on.
Other opportunities to make books:
- National Friendship Day (4 August)
- National Book Lovers Day (9 August)
By now you'll be ready to start creating books with your new class. What will you create?
One of the amazing ideas we've seen is where teachers have used Book Creator with their students to create books about transitioning between grades/schools. Check out this library of ideas.
Math Storytelling Day falls on 25th September. If you thought Book Creator was only for ELA or ELL - let me stop you right there! Storytelling absolutely works in the math classroom too. Here are some resources to help you and your fellow mathematics teachers.
September is also a big month for literacy, with National Read A Book Day (6th Sept) and International Literacy Day (8th Sept). If you're going to focus on literacy in September, I'd recommend using Book Creator for a Writer's Workshop. You might want to explore other ways in which Book Creator supports literacy.
Other opportunities to create books:
- Labor Day (2 September)
- Grandparent's Day (8 September)
- Patriot Day (11 September)
- Constitution Day (17 September)
- Deaf Awareness Month
Starting the month with World Teachers' Day (5th Oct), why not have students write a book about their favorite teacher?
Digital Citizenship Week (21-25 Oct)
This annual celebration of digital citizenship happens in partnership with Common Sense Education. There will be a host of activities on offer for you to plug into, and we share our own resources and ideas each year on our website.
Other book-related themes include National Day on Writing (20 Oct), National Friends of Libraries Week (16-22 Oct) and of course the WHOLE MONTH is National Book Month, no less.
End of the month with some spooky stories 🎃
Other opportunities to create books:
- Indigenous People Day (14 Oct)
- Fire Prevention Awareness Month
- National Bully Prevention Month
There's so much going on in November.
- National Authors’ Day (1 Nov)
- Diwali (1 Nov)
- National Family Literacy Day (1 Nov)
- Children's Book Week (4-10 Nov)
- National STEM/STEAM Day (8 Nov)
- Veteran's Day (11 Nov)
- I Love to Write Day (15 Nov)
- Picture Book Month 🌁
Thanksgiving falls on different days depending on whether you're from Canada, Brazil, Japan, the Netherlands or some other country. In the US, Thanksgiving is on 28th November this year.
We've put together a Thanksiving Activity Book that you can use in your classrooms as a bit of fun before the holiday begins.
Meet the Book Creator team:
We'll be exhibiting at NYSCATE in New York in November. Come and say hi and pick up some lovely swag!
Computer Science Education Week
The month starts with CSEdWeek from 9-15 December. We have resources for you covering coding, curriculum and digital citizenship. Check out our blog post from last month here.
Winter holidays
We have some great example books celebrating Christmas and other winter holidays in this Winter Holidays library. You could make books about your own culture's celebrations or investigate other seasonal traditions from around the world.
Ditch Summit
We recommend ending the year with the Ditch That Textbook Digital Summit by Matt Miller. This is a free online conference that brings together bright minds from the world of edtech to discuss technology, pedagogy and more. A great way to get in some PD at the end of the year, ready to do it all again in January!
Hopefully you've found this useful as you plot your way through this school year and the next. Don't forget you can download this as a bite-size PDF.
Is there anything you're particularly looking forward to? Have we missed anything? Let us know in the comments below.

Get Book Creator for your school!
- Upgraded accounts for all your teachers
- Implementation plan to help with rollout
- PD support
- Analytics & admin dashboard

Dan Kemp is the Marketing Director and has been working here since 2013. One of Dan’s favourite jobs is hearing the stories of how Book Creator is used to bring joy to classrooms all over the world, and he happily retells these stories on these pages!